SDG7 Roadmap Development using NEXSTEP

The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) has developed an integrated tool - the National Expert SDG Tool for Energy Planning (NEXSTEP), which is to support the development of national SDG7 roadmaps. Energy modelling, using historical energy data, macroeconomic factors, demographic parameters, and other data, is an essential component of the NEXSTEP. The development of SDG7 roadmaps using the NEXSTEP is now being rolled out to ESCAP member States, cities and subregions. An important part of this roadmap development is the capacity building process in which the participants are to be trained on using the NEXSTEP to develop SDG7 roadmaps. This training on NEXTEP would not only help the existing users to navigate through the process but also may support new users to develop their own roadmaps, with or without support from ESCAP.


SDG7 Roadmap Development using the National Expert SDG Tool for Energy Planning (NEXSTEP) is an online, interactive and easy to use training course/program. This course allows participants to complete the short virtual trainings and provide users/participants ongoing support through the roadmap development process. Through 10 different modules, this online training course would guide the users/participants going through a step-by-step process of energy and emissions modelling, guidance on how to undertake economic analysis and policy analysis, sourcing data and information that are required to undertake modelling and analysis tasks, how to interpret results of modelling, how to develop different scenarios for the 2030 energy transition, how to develop policy recommendations from scenarios and links to different resources.

Keywords: Sustainable Energy Transition Roadmap Development