This course supports officials and technical experts from non-Annex I countries engaged in the development of and responsible for official submission of national greenhouse gas inventory reports. It consists of five modules, covering the main sectors responsible for greenhouse gas emissions: Energy, industrial processes and product use, agriculture, land use/forestry and waste.


The course consists of five modules, covering the main sectors responsible for the national greenhouse gas emissions and included in the reporting requirements:

  1. Energy
  2. Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU)
  3. Agriculture
  4. Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF)
  5. Waste

Reporting requirements of the Paris Agreement: methodological issues, formats and deadlines for submission of inventories by countries, procedures and deadlines for consideration of inventories, implementation of “flexibility” for developing countries.

Each module includes a description of source categories for each sector, as well as references, clarifications, and useful tips to support the estimation and inventory efforts. All links in the interactive version lead directly to the required section pages, original data sources, or useful supplementary resources all available on IGCE

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand how and what data to collect for each sector
  • Calculate relevant estimates, based on approved methodology
  • Develop correct greenhouse gas inventories for each sector

This course will last for four weeks and is provided in English.

A practical handbook is available on : 


Keywords: SDG 13; Climate action; Greenhouse gas emissions and inventories; IPCC; Paris Agreement; UNFCCC