Welcome to the ESCAP e-learning platform! Here, you will find courses on topics ranging from healthy ecosystems to trade facilitation; from energy connectivity to population ageing – and much more, including an extensive suite of courses from the ESCAP Asian and Pacific Training Centre for Information and Communication Technology for Development (APCICT). The courses are open to anyone and are provided free of charge. Most of the courses include an option of receiving a certificate upon successful completion of all modules. Happy learning!


About 6 Results order by Alphabetical

Applying Behavioural Science to Policy and the Environment

This self-paced course is targeted towards policymakers who wish to enhance their understanding of behavioural science applications for policy and the environment. The purpose is to increase the impact of policy interventions on positive outcomes for environmental sustainability. No previous knowledge of behavioural science is needed to take the course.

Integration of SDGs into the National Planning

This course supports policymakers and practitioners in developing plans to implement the 2030 Agenda. Module 1 tackles the need to integrate the three dimensions of sustainable development - economic, social and environmental - across the policy cycle, while modules 2 and 3 present the theory and methodology of using systems thinking approaches for sustainable development.

Localizing SDGs through Sustainable Urban Resource Management

This self-paced course was developed for those who want to learn more about how to localize the SDGs to sustainably manage natural resources in cities. The main course purpose is to support cities in their actions to localize the SDGs through Sustainable Urban Resource Management.

Qualifying test for Training of Trainers on Integration of SDGs into the National Planning

This is a qualifying test for Training of Trainers on integration of SDGs into national planning exercises

Rail digital transformation in Asia and Pacific region

This course aims to explain how to use emerging digital technologies to enhance the competitiveness of railway transport. It highlights areas where rail digitalization can be pursued to reduce operational costs and border crossing delays and underscore the need for regional cooperation in meeting these challenges.

Simulation tool for carbon pricing in support of NDC implementation

This simulation tool was developed for policymakers and climate practitioners to consider opportunities for applying carbon pricing instruments in support of NDC targets. The course aims to provide an understanding of how CPIs impact socioeconomic factors of development; examine scenarios for implementation of NDC targets using CPIs and assess ways to invest in increasing natural climate solutions.