Welcome to the ESCAP e-learning platform! Here, you will find courses on topics ranging from healthy ecosystems to trade facilitation; from energy connectivity to population ageing – and much more, including an extensive suite of courses from the ESCAP Asian and Pacific Training Centre for Information and Communication Technology for Development (APCICT). The courses are open to anyone and are provided free of charge. Most of the courses include an option of receiving a certificate upon successful completion of all modules. Happy learning!


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SDG 7 localization: Module 1. Agenda 2030 and SDG Localisation

The Sustainable Development Goals are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects of everyone, everywhere. The 17 Goals were adopted by all UN Member States in 2015,

SDG 7 localization: Module 2. Enabling environment and institutions in SDG localisation

For the purpose of enabling environment and institutions in SDGs localisation, countries need to consider the national and subnational context. This involves a wide range of issues – from the environment and socioeconomic setting to government

SDG 7 localization: Module 3. SDG 7 localisation data monitoring

Reliable and disaggregated data is imperative for decision- making processes and for ensuring that no one is left behind. Without strong data systems at the national and local level that provide baseline data and track

SDG 7 localization: Module 4. Stakeholder engagement for SDG 7 localisation

One of the core principles that underpins agenda 2030 is that multi-stakeholder engagement is critical for achievement of SDGs. It will require the sustained efforts of all stakeholders – civil society, private sector, academia, individuals, countries, multi-lateral organizations – to work together to develop and implement initiatives for achieving the SDGs. Establishment of a comprehensive communication mechanisms and formalization of requirements for SDG7 localizations aimed to support promotion of the achieved results and give possibility to have access to additional extra-budgetary financing.

SDG 7 localization: Module 5. Budgeting and Financing

Mobilizing public resources domestically and aligning private sector investment with the SDGs, as well as promoting equity, efficiency and effectiveness in the use of resources. With the financing landscape becoming more dynamic, new types of financing mechanisms are available for SDG achievement. Measures need to be put in place to leverage and align not only large-scale investments but also smaller financial initiatives that promote sustainable development. By the end of the Module participants will understand key requirements for having access to financial support incentives that are currently are available on the market. Improve their skills in the questions related to the budgeting procedures, relevant for sustainable energy development projects implementation.

SDG 7 localization: Module 6. Awareness and capacity building for SDG 7 localisation

This module presents good practices and implementation steps for developing effective awareness raising and capacity building programs at the city level (public campaigns, utilization of various communication and social media channels, designing educational programs and vocational training), as well as key principles of awareness raising programs aimed on sending strong message on alignment with SDG7 targets and linkages to other SDGs. Presentations are focused on examples of effective and exciting awareness campaigns and capacity building programs, applicable at the city level (or regional/provincial levels). Additional attention will be paid to the practical side of different tools implementation focused on increasing of SDG7 targets ownership and understanding by citizens of the jurisdiction.

SDG 7 localization: Module 7. Implementation Strategies for SDG 7 Localisation

Innovation refers to both social innovation that promotes collaborative engagement among all stakeholders to address development challenges, and to the use of new technologies to promote efficiency in administering general SDG and SDG7 implementation strategies. However, additional awareness raising, and capacity building trainings are required to enable innovation process within the jurisdiction, including new technologies to develop new initiatives for achieving progress in energy access, energy efficiency and renewable energy application. Presentations of this modules are focused on practical steps, which should be taken by local governments to support SDG7 oriented projects implementation. There is also information about relevant technological solutions and good practices, that could be applied to various sectors and energy end-users in the jurisdiction.

SDG 7 localization: Module 8. Linkages between SDG 7 and the other SDGs

Implementation of the sustainable energy development activities are not stand alone and tightly connected with successful achievement of other SDGs. The strong connection between SDG7 and SDGs 3, 6, 11, 12 and 13

Fast Forwarding to Asia-Pacific’s Future

This is the opening session of the ESCAP Executive Training on Environment and Development from 2021. It provides an overview of key regional environmental trends as well as five big-ticket thematic drivers of change which have been identified by using transformative foresight approaches.

Energy Connectivity In The Pacific: Planning Tools For Integrating Renewable Energies Into Island Grids

Island states are acutely vulnerable to climate change. They depend heavily on expensive and polluting fossil energy systems. This course presents two tools - a Simplified Planning Tool and a Multi-Criteria Assessment Tool - that can help design island grid systems that integrate high shares of renewable energy technologies.

Energy Connectivity In The Pacific: The Potential Role Of Low And Zero Carbon Fuels, Including Hydrogen, In Regional Energy Trade

This course discusses the potential role of "green fuels" in enabling the decarbonization of island energy systems. The transportation and power sectors are among the largest sources of carbon emissions and other harmful pollutants. Fulfilling SDG7 and reaching sustainability targets will require decarbonizing these sectors while also reducing energy consumption.

General and Sector-Based Indicators for Evaluating the Contribution of Foreign Direct Investment to Sustainable Development

This self-paced e-learning course is targeted towards policymakers and investment promotion agencies who wish to enhance their understanding of sustainable foreign direct investment and use a set of indicators to assess and quantify incoming FDI projects and their sustainable development contributions. Participants can then adapt these indicators to their specific country contexts.


This course supports officials and technical experts from non-Annex I countries engaged in the development of and responsible for official submission of national greenhouse gas inventory reports. It consists of five modules, covering the main sectors responsible for greenhouse gas emissions: Energy, industrial processes and product use, agriculture, land use/forestry and waste.

Academy Module - Realizing Data-Driven Governance

This module, designed for government officials in developing countries, aims to help them understand data-driven governance - the intensive and extensive use of data in how societies organize to define and achieve their common future - and assist them in using data-driven governance in their jurisdictions.

Lecturer: Emmanuel C. Lallana
Length: 1.5 hours / 7 Sessions

Academy Module on Social Media, Development, and Governance

This module aims to define social media and describe the various kinds of social media; raise awareness among policymakers and government officials of how social media affects society; describe best practices in the use of social media to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals; develop understanding of the role of social media in governance and discuss its implication for national policy and program formulation; and produce a capacity development resource that can help bridge the knowledge gap between the effective use of social media in development and governance.

Length: 1.5 hours / 6 Sessions

Academy Module on an Overview of ICTs and Sustainable Development

This module is intended to provide a broad overview and introduce key points for using ICTs for the development of more sustainable, inclusive and resilient economies and societies. The module is divided into four sections. The first section provides an overview of sustainable development and the SDGs. The second section introduces current ICT trends. The third section explores, through a discussion of selected case studies, ICT applications to achieve each SDG, and the fourth section looks at ways ICTs are integrated into national development policies and plans to achieve the SDGs.

Academy Module on ICT for Disaster Risk Management

This module introduces disaster risk management (DRM) and provides an overview of how information and communication technologies (ICTs) can be used for DRM. A large number of examples and case studies on the applications of ICTs in DRM have been included in the module. The module aims to introduce the basic concepts of DRM and the applications of ICTs in disaster mitigation and prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery.

Core Module 2 - Enabling Role of ICT for Women Entrepreneurs

The Women ICT Frontier Initiative (WIFI) flagship programme aims to promote women’s entrepreneurship in Asia and the Pacific through enhancing capabilities of women entrepreneurs in ICT and entrepreneurship so that they and their enterprises can become more productive, and hopefully grow and be sustainable so that they can actively contribute to community development as well as to the local and national economy.

Lecturer: Dr. Faheem Hussain
Length: 1 hour / 3 sessions
Last revision: 2022

Core Module 1 - Women's Empowerment, SDGs, and ICT

The Women ICT Frontier Initiative (WIFI) flagship programme aims to promote women’s entrepreneurship in Asia and the Pacific through enhancing capabilities of women entrepreneurs in ICT and entrepreneurship so that they and their enterprises can become more productive, and hopefully grow and be sustainable so that they can actively contribute to community development as well as to the local and national economy.

Lecturer: Dr. Faheem Hussain
Length: 1 hour / 3 sessions
Last revision: 2019

WIFI P Module - An Enabling Environment for Women Entrepreneurs

The objective of the module is to inform policymakers and contribute to developing their actual gender-related policymaking skills or knowledge for women entrepreneurs.

Length: Length: 1 hour / 6 sessions

Academy Module on Information Security and Privacy

This module was designed to provide knowledge of information security, privacy, and related concepts for policymakers responsible for ICT policymaking, government officials responsible for the development and implementation of ICT-based applications, and managers in the public sector seeking to employ ICT tools for project management.

Simulation tool for carbon pricing in support of NDC implementation

This simulation tool was developed for policymakers and climate practitioners to consider opportunities for applying carbon pricing instruments in support of NDC targets. The course aims to provide an understanding of how CPIs impact socioeconomic factors of development; examine scenarios for implementation of NDC targets using CPIs and assess ways to invest in increasing natural climate solutions.

Academy Module on ICT for Climate Resilient Development

This module introduces both the theory and practice of climate resilient development and provides an overview of how ICTs can be used to enhance climate resilient development.

Fundamentals of Freight Transport Connectivity and Logistics in Asia and the Pacific

This course presents the fundamental elements and issues related to sustainable regional transport connectivity in Asia and the Pacific. Its purpose is to inform policy- and decision-makers and experts of the current situation and increase their capacity to leverage regional cooperation to preserve and enhance transport connectivity in their respective countries and subregions.

Designing inclusive policies on population ageing using a bottom-up approach

The Asia-Pacific region is experiencing rapid population ageing. Understanding the multi-faceted context of ageing is key to developing responsive, comprehensive and forward-looking policies that promote intergenerational solidarity. Comprising seven modules, this course aims to explain frameworks, tools, processes and good practices relevant to the design of policies on ageing.

Rail digital transformation in Asia and Pacific region

This course aims to explain how to use emerging digital technologies to enhance the competitiveness of railway transport. It highlights areas where rail digitalization can be pursued to reduce operational costs and border crossing delays and underscore the need for regional cooperation in meeting these challenges.

WIFI Module on Planning and Managing a Business Using ICTs

The Women ICT Frontier Initiative (WIFI) e-learning course on Planning and Managing a Business with ICT” aims to strengthen the capacities of women entrepreneurs to utilize ICT in support of their businesses. The course is targeted at women who are ICT literate, are using ICTs only for basic tasks, and are interested in using ICTs for more advanced business functions. Nevertheless, non-users of ICT can also benefit from the module.

Frontier ICTs for Sustainable Development for Digital Leaders - Overview Module

Frontier ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) are recognized as an important means of achieving the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, the use, adoption, and adaptation of these technologies are not the same across countries.

Frontier ICTs such as Artificial intelligence (AI), Blockchain, and the Internet of Things (IoT) are expected to have a greater impact on sustainable development and are also recognized as an important source of concerns for socio-economic development (especially policymaking) in developing countries.

Therefore, this module provides fundamental information, challenges/risks, best practices, policy recommendations, and international cooperation agendas related to frontier ICTs that digital leaders, in particular policymakers in developing countries, should consider when developing and applying the frontier ICTs to enable sustainable development through innovation in their public sector and society.

Academy Module on Digital Government and Transformation

This module explores how digital technologies can enhance governance and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals. It emphasizes the need for careful strategy and implementation processes, highlighting the principles of effectiveness, inclusiveness, and accountability. The module is introductory in nature and does not assume any prerequisite knowledge of digital technologies. Government leaders from both technology development and substantive functional domains will benefit from understanding how digital technologies can be embedded in governance contexts.

Frontier ICTs for Sustainable Development for Digital Leaders - Submodule A: Artificial Intelligence

The purpose of the whole Frontier ICTs for Sustainable Development for Digital Leaders module is to provide a technological overview, considerations, potential policy recommendations, and an international cooperation agenda for the adoption of frontier ICTs by digital leaders in developing countries. The aim is to unlock the full potential of frontier ICTs. The submodules focus on three technologies: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain, and the Internet of Things.

This specific submodule focuses on Artificial Intelligence (AI), which is recognized as an important tool for achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. However, the use, adoption, and adaptation of AI vary across the globe.

AI is expected to have a significant impact on sustainable development and is also recognized as a source of concerns for socio-economic development, particularly in policymaking, within developing countries.

Therefore, this submodule provides fundamental information on the challenges, risks, best practices, policy recommendations, and international cooperation agendas related to AI. Policymakers in developing countries should consider these aspects when developing and implementing AI to enable sustainable development through innovation in their public sector and society.

Frontier ICTs for Sustainable Development for Digital Leaders - Submodule B: Blockchain

The purpose of the whole Frontier ICTs for Sustainable Development for Digital Leaders module is to provide a technological overview, considerations, potential policy recommendations, and an international cooperation agenda for the adoption of frontier ICTs by digital leaders in developing countries. The aim is to unlock the full potential of frontier ICTs. The submodules focus on three technologies: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain, and the Internet of Things.

This submodule covers Blockchain, which is recognized as an important means of achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. However, the use, adoption, and adaptation of the technology are not the same across the globe.

Blockchain is expected to have a greater impact on sustainable development and is also recognized as an important source of concerns for socio-economic development (especially policymaking) in developing countries.

Therefore, this submodule provides fundamental information on the challenges/risks, best practices, policy recommendations, and international cooperation agendas related to Blockchain that policymakers in developing countries should consider when developing and applying Blockchain to enable sustainable development through innovation in their public sector and society.

Frontier ICTs for Sustainable Development for Digital Leaders - Submodule C: Internet of Things

The purpose of the whole Frontier ICTs for Sustainable Development for Digital Leaders module is to provide a technological overview, considerations, potential policy recommendations, and an international cooperation agenda for the adoption of frontier ICTs by digital leaders in developing countries. The aim is to unlock the full potential of frontier ICTs. The submodules focus on three technologies: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain, and the Internet of Things.

This submodule covers IoT (the Internet of Things), which is recognized as an important means of achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agenda. However, the use, adoption, and adaptation of the technology are not the same in all countries around the world.

IoT is expected to have a greater impact on sustainable development and is also recognized as an important source of concerns for socio-economic development (especially policymaking) in developing countries.

Therefore, this submodule provides fundamental information, challenges/risks, best practices, policy recommendations, and international cooperation agendas related to IoT that policymakers in developing countries should consider when developing and applying IoT to enable sustainable development through innovation in their public sector and society.

Shifting Towards Water-Resilient Infrastructure and Sustainable Cities

This course aims to support cities to achieve sustainable development by fostering water resilience. The modules focus on five thematic priorities, namely: drinking water and human well-being; reclaiming water by using urban wastewater; water for economic activities and development; restoring ecosystem functions; and preparing for water-related hazards and effects of climate change.

Integration of SDGs into the National Planning

This course supports policymakers and practitioners in developing plans to implement the 2030 Agenda. Module 1 tackles the need to integrate the three dimensions of sustainable development - economic, social and environmental - across the policy cycle, while modules 2 and 3 present the theory and methodology of using systems thinking approaches for sustainable development.

Qualifying test for Training of Trainers on Integration of SDGs into the National Planning

This is a qualifying test for Training of Trainers on integration of SDGs into national planning exercises

Resource Efficiency

This course introduces Resource Efficiency, how to measure it and why it is important in the context of sustainable development, as well as policy pathways for promoting it, with a focus on Asia and the Pacific. Resource Efficiency is about creating more goods, services, wealth and ultimately human well-being with less input of natural resources.

Cities and Marine Plastic Pollution: Building a Circular Economy

This eLearning course was developed to support city-level capacity building on the topic of plastic waste management. The purpose of this course is to share the latest knowledge and approaches to measuring and managing plastic pollution from land-based sources, in particular cities, for the achievement of local, national and regional goals related to sustainable development.

Biodiversity, Climate Change & Human Health in the Context of COVID-19

This course shares the latest knowledge, approaches and techniques to raise ambition in tackling urgent environmental issues, specifically biodiversity, climate change and health in the context of COVID-19. The course aims to explore the interconnectedness of these issues in order to achieve the SDGs and prevent future zoonoses.

Water, the Ocean and the Sustainable Development Goals

This course shares the latest knowledge, approaches and techniques to raise ambition in taking and accelerating action for water and oceans. It draws on emerging lessons and initiatives from UN-Water and ESCAP projects and was developed with Stockholm International Water Institute, Japan International Cooperation Agency and the Government of Japan.

Localizing SDGs through Sustainable Urban Resource Management

This self-paced course was developed for those who want to learn more about how to localize the SDGs to sustainably manage natural resources in cities. The main course purpose is to support cities in their actions to localize the SDGs through Sustainable Urban Resource Management.

Applying Behavioural Science to Policy and the Environment

This self-paced course is targeted towards policymakers who wish to enhance their understanding of behavioural science applications for policy and the environment. The purpose is to increase the impact of policy interventions on positive outcomes for environmental sustainability. No previous knowledge of behavioural science is needed to take the course.

Raising Climate Ambition

This training session will focus on the “how” and “what” can be done nationally and locally to raise climate ambitions based on the circumstances of each country. Furthermore, the course provides hands-on tools for simulation of scenarios and policy development, and for discussion on challenges and best practices.

Environmental Governance

Environmental policy often fails because the motivations of key stakeholders are poorly understood. This course shows how environmental policy impact can be strengthened by applying behavioral science to steer individual decision-making and behaviour in a more sustainable direction. The session presents behavioral science for environmental policy and shares insights from case studies.

The Value of Empowerment and Participation on Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

This course introduces the importance of and applications of the Foresight Report on environment and development in Asia and the Pacific. It also presents other relevant knowledge products, including a report on the value of engagement for advancing the 2030 Agenda and paper on the advantages of environmental impact assessments.

Clean Air for All

This course focuses on how to link innovative methodologies for addressing air pollution locally with national and regional efforts. Participants will understand how machine learning can help fill gaps in available science to focus action plans on impactful policies. Plans will be grounded in cooperation through city networks and regional modalities on air pollution.

Safeguarding Ecosystems Health

This module promotes the design of effective policies that safeguard ecosystems health in the Asia-Pacific. The session reinforces capacities of government officials through the exploration of integrated environmental actions, ranging from action on the nexus between biodiversity, ecosystems, health and climate to joint action on ocean, freshwater and climate.

Cities for a Sustainable Future

The course will deliver guidance on how the region’s cities can become smart, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable. Through a focus on four integrated thematic pillars (Urban and Territorial Planning; Urban Resilience; Smart Cities and Technologies; and Urban Finance), participants will learn of policy pathways that can be deployed and additional tools, including the Voluntary Local Review (VLR) process, to build back better within the context of post-pandemic recoveries.

Air Pollution: Gender and Health

This course focuses on innovative air pollution solutions and best practices, including policy interventions, on gender and public health. The session raises awareness and builds the capacity of stakeholders to identify the most appropriate innovations and use existing and emerging technologies in the development of their air quality policies.

SDG7 Roadmap Development using NEXSTEP

The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) has developed an integrated tool - the National Expert SDG Tool for Energy Planning (NEXSTEP), which is to support the development of national SDG7 roadmaps. Energy modelling, using historical energy data, macroeconomic factors, demographic parameters, and other data, is an essential component of the NEXSTEP. The development of SDG7 roadmaps using the NEXSTEP is now being rolled out to ESCAP member States, cities and subregions. An important part of this roadmap development is the capacity building process in which the participants are to be trained on using the NEXSTEP to develop SDG7 roadmaps. This training on NEXTEP would not only help the existing users to navigate through the process but also may support new users to develop their own roadmaps, with or without support from ESCAP.

The future of work in the context of population ageing in Asia and the Pacific

The course covers three modules, namely: Module 1: ‘Levels, trends and key concepts’; Module 2: ‘Demographic and Labour Market Trends of Ageing Societies in the Context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution’; and Module 3: ‘Ensuring good health and enabling environments, and promoting inclusion and sustainability.

Academy Module on Open Data Policy Framework and Cases in the Digital Economy

This module presents a comprehensive overview of Open Government Data (OGD) Policy and Trends, delving into the dynamic landscape of OGD policy and legal frameworks. It emphasizes the importance of an effective governance structure that aligns with OGD policy for successful implementation. Concrete examples of the OGD implementation process, including the success of 'Open Data Portals' as initiatives fostering data accessibility, are provided. Furthermore, the module elaborates on the OGD governance structure, outlining the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders, including data providers, users, and beneficiaries. In-depth exploration of data access and data quality management ensures reliable and usable OGD.

Academy Module on The Ethics of AI

This module provides an ethical framework for AI policy, focusing on reliability, trust, and cultural respect. It addresses the challenges of AI and offers policy and regulatory guidance based on real-world examples. The goal of this module is to offer a comprehensive set of values, principles, and actions to guide the ethical development and use of AI systems, with a particular emphasis on policy and regulatory implications. The module stresses treating ethics as a dynamic basis for assessing and guiding AI technologies. It emphasizes that ethical considerations apply throughout the entire life cycle of AI systems, including their impact on decision-making, employment, social interaction, healthcare, education, media, access to information, personal data, and security.

Public-private partnerships (PPP) - Hosted on a different site

This course brings together a series of training materials for self-study. It provides a basic knowledge of a range of issues that policymakers dealing with PPPs have to be aware of. While the courses are general in nature, most of the examples are from the infrastructure sectors, in particular, transport.
This course is hosted on external platform, please click here to access this course.

SDG Localization and Climate Action Synergies

This course is the first virtual ESCAP training course that provides knowledge and tools to localize the SDGs and exploit the synergies with local climate action. The course is designed in the framework of the Urban-Act programme by the ESCAP Environment and Development Division with the Melbourne Centre for Cities at the University of Melbourne, and specifically targets Member States and Local Governments from Asia and the Pacific.

Wheeling charges for cross-border electricity trading

Wheeling charges for cross-border electricity trading

Modul WIFI terkait Perencanaan dan Manajemen Sebuah Bisnis Menggunakan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi

Women ICT Frontier Initiative (WIFI) adalah modul pembelajaran elektronik dengan topik Perencanaan dan Manajemen Sebuah Bisnis menggunakan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) yang bertujuan untuk menguatkan kemampuan pebisnis wanita dalam menggunakan sarana TIK untuk mendukung bisnis yang dijalankan. Pembelajaran ini ditujukan untuk wanita dengan pengetahuan TIK memadai, wanita yang hanya menggunakan TIK untuk pekerjaan dasar, dan wanita yang tertarik memanfaatkan TIK untuk menjalankan bisnis yang lebih baik. Namun demikian, wanita yang tidak memanfaatkan TIK pun dapat mendapatkan keuntungan dari modul berikut.


Этот онлайн курс разработан коллективом авторов из Института глобального климата и экологии им. академика Ю.А. Израэля (ИГКЭ) и ЭСКАТО для оказания поддержки государственным чиновникам и техническим экспертам из стран, не включенных в Приложение I РКИК ООН, которые занимаются разработкой и отвечает за официальное представление национальных отчетов о кадастрах парниковых газов в соответствии с Руководящими принципами национальных кадастров парниковых газов МГЭИК (МГЭИК, 2006 г.) , а также с Дополнением 2013 г. к ним «Водно-болотные угодья» (МГЭИК, 2013) и Дополнениями 2019 г. (МГЭИК, 2019), которые рекомендованы к применению на добровольной основе Конференцией сторон РКИК ООН.

Инициатива Женщины на Рубеже ИКТ - "Мотивирующая Среда для Женщин-Предпринимателей" (Russian)

(WIFI P Module - An Enabling Environment for Women Entrepreneurs)

Данный модуль, предназначенный для разработчиков политики, регуляторов местного и центрального уровней, парламентариев и официальных лиц правительства. Модуль призван помочь данным лицам понять гендерные вопросы при разработке политики для создания мотивирующей среды, а также возможности для расширения прав женщин-предпринимателей посредством ИКТ.

Академия ИКТ для Лидеров Государственного Управления - "Осуществление Государственного Управления на Основе Данных (Russian)

(Academy Module - Realizing Data-Driven Governance)

Данный модуль, предназначенный для государственных служащих в развивающихся странах, призван помочь им понять управление на основе данных и использовать управление на основе данных в своих юрисдикциях.

«Продолжительность: 1.5 часа/7 сессий»

Основные положения связуемости грузовых перевозок и логистики в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе (Russian)

Этот первый полностью виртуальный учебный курс ЭСКАТО ООН по основным положениям связуемости грузовых перевозок и логистики в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе организован Отделом транспорта с целью информирования о текущих основных элементах и задач, относящихся к транспортной связуемости и логистике в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе.