Welcome to the ESCAP e-learning platform! Here, you will find courses on topics ranging from healthy ecosystems to trade facilitation; from energy connectivity to population ageing – and much more, including an extensive suite of courses from the ESCAP Asian and Pacific Training Centre for Information and Communication Technology for Development (APCICT). The courses are open to anyone and are provided free of charge. Most of the courses include an option of receiving a certificate upon successful completion of all modules. Happy learning!


About 3 Results order by Language

Fundamentals of Freight Transport Connectivity and Logistics in Asia and the Pacific

This course presents the fundamental elements and issues related to sustainable regional transport connectivity in Asia and the Pacific. Its purpose is to inform policy- and decision-makers and experts of the current situation and increase their capacity to leverage regional cooperation to preserve and enhance transport connectivity in their respective countries and subregions.

Rail digital transformation in Asia and Pacific region

This course aims to explain how to use emerging digital technologies to enhance the competitiveness of railway transport. It highlights areas where rail digitalization can be pursued to reduce operational costs and border crossing delays and underscore the need for regional cooperation in meeting these challenges.

Основные положения связуемости грузовых перевозок и логистики в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе (Russian)

Этот первый полностью виртуальный учебный курс ЭСКАТО ООН по основным положениям связуемости грузовых перевозок и логистики в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе организован Отделом транспорта с целью информирования о текущих основных элементах и задач, относящихся к транспортной связуемости и логистике в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе.