Welcome to the ESCAP e-learning platform! Here, you will find courses on topics ranging from healthy ecosystems to trade facilitation; from energy connectivity to population ageing – and much more, including an extensive suite of courses from the ESCAP Asian and Pacific Training Centre for Information and Communication Technology for Development (APCICT). The courses are open to anyone and are provided free of charge. Most of the courses include an option of receiving a certificate upon successful completion of all modules. Happy learning!


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SDG 7 localization: Module 1. Agenda 2030 and SDG Localisation

The Sustainable Development Goals are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects of everyone, everywhere. The 17 Goals were adopted by all UN Member States in 2015,

SDG 7 localization: Module 2. Enabling environment and institutions in SDG localisation

For the purpose of enabling environment and institutions in SDGs localisation, countries need to consider the national and subnational context. This involves a wide range of issues – from the environment and socioeconomic setting to government

SDG 7 localization: Module 3. SDG 7 localisation data monitoring

Reliable and disaggregated data is imperative for decision- making processes and for ensuring that no one is left behind. Without strong data systems at the national and local level that provide baseline data and track

SDG 7 localization: Module 4. Stakeholder engagement for SDG 7 localisation

One of the core principles that underpins agenda 2030 is that multi-stakeholder engagement is critical for achievement of SDGs. It will require the sustained efforts of all stakeholders – civil society, private sector, academia, individuals, countries, multi-lateral organizations – to work together to develop and implement initiatives for achieving the SDGs. Establishment of a comprehensive communication mechanisms and formalization of requirements for SDG7 localizations aimed to support promotion of the achieved results and give possibility to have access to additional extra-budgetary financing.

SDG 7 localization: Module 5. Budgeting and Financing

Mobilizing public resources domestically and aligning private sector investment with the SDGs, as well as promoting equity, efficiency and effectiveness in the use of resources. With the financing landscape becoming more dynamic, new types of financing mechanisms are available for SDG achievement. Measures need to be put in place to leverage and align not only large-scale investments but also smaller financial initiatives that promote sustainable development. By the end of the Module participants will understand key requirements for having access to financial support incentives that are currently are available on the market. Improve their skills in the questions related to the budgeting procedures, relevant for sustainable energy development projects implementation.

SDG 7 localization: Module 6. Awareness and capacity building for SDG 7 localisation

This module presents good practices and implementation steps for developing effective awareness raising and capacity building programs at the city level (public campaigns, utilization of various communication and social media channels, designing educational programs and vocational training), as well as key principles of awareness raising programs aimed on sending strong message on alignment with SDG7 targets and linkages to other SDGs. Presentations are focused on examples of effective and exciting awareness campaigns and capacity building programs, applicable at the city level (or regional/provincial levels). Additional attention will be paid to the practical side of different tools implementation focused on increasing of SDG7 targets ownership and understanding by citizens of the jurisdiction.

SDG 7 localization: Module 7. Implementation Strategies for SDG 7 Localisation

Innovation refers to both social innovation that promotes collaborative engagement among all stakeholders to address development challenges, and to the use of new technologies to promote efficiency in administering general SDG and SDG7 implementation strategies. However, additional awareness raising, and capacity building trainings are required to enable innovation process within the jurisdiction, including new technologies to develop new initiatives for achieving progress in energy access, energy efficiency and renewable energy application. Presentations of this modules are focused on practical steps, which should be taken by local governments to support SDG7 oriented projects implementation. There is also information about relevant technological solutions and good practices, that could be applied to various sectors and energy end-users in the jurisdiction.

SDG 7 localization: Module 8. Linkages between SDG 7 and the other SDGs

Implementation of the sustainable energy development activities are not stand alone and tightly connected with successful achievement of other SDGs. The strong connection between SDG7 and SDGs 3, 6, 11, 12 and 13

SDG7 Roadmap Development using NEXSTEP

The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) has developed an integrated tool - the National Expert SDG Tool for Energy Planning (NEXSTEP), which is to support the development of national SDG7 roadmaps. Energy modelling, using historical energy data, macroeconomic factors, demographic parameters, and other data, is an essential component of the NEXSTEP. The development of SDG7 roadmaps using the NEXSTEP is now being rolled out to ESCAP member States, cities and subregions. An important part of this roadmap development is the capacity building process in which the participants are to be trained on using the NEXSTEP to develop SDG7 roadmaps. This training on NEXTEP would not only help the existing users to navigate through the process but also may support new users to develop their own roadmaps, with or without support from ESCAP.

Wheeling charges for cross-border electricity trading

Wheeling charges for cross-border electricity trading, the transmission of electricity between one or more systems can be established through wheeling contracts